Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Vocabulary

Today, we took the big quiz. Here is the vocabulary I needed to know for the dialog. There's a lot. I didn't remember most of it, but I was able to use the important, big words. Hopefully I did well!

εdeεn [eh-dee-ehn] = what
nimdeε [neem-dee-eh] = knowledge
nnwom = music
nnwomtofo⊃ [nn-wohm-toe-foe-ah] = musicians
nnwomto⊃ [nn-wohm-toe-ah] = singing
twerε = to write

yεtwerε [yeh-ch-where-eh] = they write
atwerεfo⊃ [ach-where-eh-foe-ah] = authors
yεkyerε [yeh-che-reh] = they teach
abak⊃sεm [ah-bah-kaw-sem] = history
nhwehwε [n-shweh-shweh] = research / analysis
adwen [ahd-jwhen] = idea
asemmisa [ah-sem-mee-sah] = question
amanfo⊃ [ah-mahn-foe-ah] = people / citizens
sua [shwia(n)] = learn 
osuani [ah-shwanee] = students
osuapon [ah-shwah-pon] = university
Abibirem Nkabom kuo = Pan-African organization
hia [heeya] = to need
bere [beh-reh] = time
b⊃ ebira [bah aybee-rah] = to be similar
Kwan bεn so ... = In which ways ...

Favorite phrase of the day: "Saa na amanfo⊃ ka!" which means "People say that!" This might have been useful in my quiz dialog if I could have remembered it. Oh well! I really hope I did well.

And now, we only have 1 more week of class left. We're hoping to cover and understand more grammar so we can create correct sentences. For the final project, we each have to have a conversation with a Twi-speaker for about 30 minutes. I have no idea who would be willing to do something so tedious with me. We'll see how that goes. Then the final is Wednesday at the end of class. I will be sad to be done with this class, but it's been a lot of hard work. I need a break...

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